Bakery-Style Chocolate Chip Cookies

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What's the most difficult decision you have ever had to make?

Well, for me it was deciding whether I wanted a lot of average-sized cookies or big giant bakery-style cookies but less cookies. Ugh, I could not decide!

What happened was I found this cookie recipe for bakery-style cookies. But once I read the recipe carefully and it asked to measure 1/3 cup-sized balls. Yes! 1/3 cup sized! That's when then started to dawn on me. Hmm, this recipe is not going to yield that many cookies. Sure, big gigantic cookies ...but a lesser amount? But I want a whole bunch of cookies! I want a lot! But then they wouldn't be bakery-style, would they?



I'll follow the recipe.

Less cookies?

UFF! What a difficult decision.

But wait. I do want big bakery-style cookies. I do! Ok! Decision made.
Yes, it's my final decision! 

Anyway, these cookies were indeed gigantic. They were incredibly huge. And I absolutely loved them.

I believe I made the best decision ever!

It's so fun to have big giant bakery-style cookies without actually entering a bakery. Just think, bakery-style cookies from the comfort of your own home. You could even pretend your kitchen is a bakery. WHAT? It's fun to dream.

Click here for recipe!


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